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The School Cleaning Services During the COVLD-19 - AYT
published date: 2021/7/12

With the gradual control of COVID-19, many schools start the back-to-school offline teaching. The time that students spend in campus, however, take up most of the students' life. In order to ensure the health of teachers and students, the cleaning services play an essential role in school management and students development. There are several suggestions below given by the author in improving the cleaning services of campus.

1. Previous Measures

In order to provide the healthy environment, school management should organize disinfection activities within the whole school before the return of students and teachers.

2. Improve the Consciousness of Students

Educators should guide students to develop good habits of washing hands frequently and maintaining personal hygiene.

3. Equipped with Sound Cleaning Equipments

In order to minimize contact of individuals and maintain personal health. It is available for school management to apply plenty of cleaning products, such as automatic soap dispensers, water-free hand sanitizer and so on.

4. Keep Cleaning in Schedule

The most necessary thing the school can do is to create a cleaning schedule and stick to it. These activities are able to protect the faculty and pupils from virus.

5. Dont Forget about the Air Flow Everyday

Classrooms, meeting rooms and other indoor places should be maintained air circulation more than 60 minutes each day.

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